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  发布日期:2018-04-08  浏览次数:




韦莱韬悦(NASDAQ:WLTW)是一家领先的全球性咨询、保险经纪和解决方案公司,帮助世界各地的客户把风险变成增长机遇。 韦莱韬悦成立于1828年,目前拥有 40,000 名员工,向140多个国家提供服务。公司设计和提供完善的解决方案来管理风险、培育人才、实现利益最大化及增强资本的力量,让组织与个人得到有力保障,并日益发展壮大。以独到眼光洞察人才、资产与理念之间的重要交集-这是推动经营绩效增长的动态公式。
















二、Executive Compensation Analyst


The Business:

Human capital and benefits

High-performing institutions cultivate and grow talent, carefully balancing costs and rewards. From employee benefits to executive compensation, we take a rounded perspective, based on leading-edge thinking, data, analytics and software, unearthing new ways to motivate people, foster wellbeing and implement solutions that work.

At Willis Towers Watson, our experience tells us that organizations need effective talent and rewards programs, processes and technology to deliver results. And that requires a talent and rewards strategy that aligns with business strategy. Our global Executive Compensation expertise and experience can help organization make sound decisions about how and how much to pay senior executives.

The Role:

As analyst, you will work beside some of the industry’s top consultants while you develop cutting edge technical knowledge and skills.

You will have immediate exposure to real client assignments which will draw on your imagination and creativity as well as your ability to analyse data, draw conclusions and present results. These experiences will help build your technical knowledge and overall industry expertise while you benefit from more structured learning interventions that are tailored to the business area you join.

Performance Objectives:


1. Partner with consultants and clients to design Executive Compensation strategies to attract, reward and retain talent

2. Help our clients ensure that their reward programs are competitive by performing competitive benchmarking analyses

3. Perform industry and financial research related to Executive Compensation strategy and design

4. Develop pay structures and incentive designs that help support companies’ business strategies

5. Value equity awards through the application of financial formulas

6. Participate in the design of custom Executive Compensation surveys

7. Increase efficiency within client teams by identifying ways to improve processes


1. Meet chargeable hour’s targets

2. Contribute to sales and marketing efforts by supplying information for proposals


1. Develop technical knowledge and skills in the area of Executive Compensation

2. Eye for details, analytical, meticulous, insightful with a structured thought process. Deliver on projects to meet or exceed client expectations


1. Build relationships internally and collaborate effectively on cross-functional teams

2. Collaborate with others by conveying ideas, issues and information in a fluent and logical manner and providing constructive peer feedback

3. Demonstrate natural ease and effectiveness when dealing with clients/colleagues at all levels

The Requirements:

1. Master degree and above in economics, finance, mathematics, statistics or any other major with significant quantitative course work, fresh graduate in 2018.

2. A problem solver: able to identify and solve challenging problems.

3. Analytical: able to draw conclusions from data in a logical, systematic way.

4. Conceptual: ability to go beyond the details and see the big picture.

5. Results-driven: focused on achieving results that promote business success.

6. Organized: able to work and think in a methodical and orderly way.

7. Committed to quality: continuously works to achieve the highest quality standards on works and able to meet tight deadlines.

8. Team player: ability to work independently as well as in a team.

9. Well-developed analytical, quantitative, interpersonal, communication and presentation skills

10. Good knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint is essential.

三、养老金精算管理咨询分析师 【全职】

Location: Beijing, Shanghai

The Business:

The complexity, costs and risks associated with employee benefits pose an increasing threat to our clients’ business performance. As such, the Benefits Segment works with our clients to provide an enterprise-wide strategy for managing benefits, and frameworks for developing programs that help attract and retain top talent in a cost-effective manner. This helps clients gain a competitive edge while meeting the needs of their employees.

1. Our expertise in retirement consulting helps organisations design, manage and communicate all types of retirement plans.

2. We provide actuarial services to more of the world’s top 300 pension funds than any other consulting firm.

3. We provide advice on the strategy, design, financing, delivery, ongoing management and communication of health and group benefit programs.

4. We lead the flexible benefit markets in the United Kingdom, China and Canada.

5. We’re one of the largest providers of benefit outsourcing services. Our benefits outsourcing solutions support nearly six million participants.

6. In addition, we help the clients identify the issues, assets, liabilities, risks and opportunities surrounding culture, change management, communication, compensation and benefits during a merger or acquisition.

The Role:

The Benefits Analyst positions offer great opportunity for professional development and competency growth. You will work beside some of the industry’s top consultants while you develop cutting edge technical knowledge and skills.

Performance Objectives


1. Build relationships internally and collaborate effectively on crossfunctional teams

2. Demonstrate natural ease and effectiveness when dealing with clients/colleagues at all levels


1. Partner with consultants to provide support on client projects involving the design, funding, accounting, implementation and management of a full array of benefit programs

2. Participate in projects that help our clients assess and manage their benefit program risks

3. Perform actuarial valuations in accordance with relevant accounting or funding standards, including data analysis, assumption setting, modelling and producing the client report

4. Assist with benefit scheme administration, ensuring service levels are met


1. Meet revenue and billable hour goals

2. Efficient time management

3. Assist with sales and marketing efforts by helping to draft proposals

4. Maintain complete, accurate work papers an d documentation, as well as audit trail


1. Develop a professional approach to handling client issues

2. Develop deep technical knowledge and skills

3. Contribute to the development of new tools and approaches

4. Adhere to all internal practice standards

Full study support will be provided for sitting actuarial examinations


The Requirements :

1. Master’s degree in Actuarial Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Economics, Financial Management or Business related fields,graduate in 2018

2. Previous working or long-term internship experiences STRONGLY preferred

3. Able to work independently and contribute effectively as a teamplayer

4. Demonstrate commitment to being creative, innovative, flexible and adaptable, focusing on quality solutions, continually improving and being a winner

5. Strong analytical skills, problem solving skills, customer focus, attention to details and sensitive to numbers

6. Committed to long-term development with flexibility to handle multiple tasks and tight timelines

7. Strong computer and desktop research skills using business related applications, e.g. MS-Office (Word, Excel, Access PowerPoint), etc

8. Outstanding oral and written communication skills

9. Outstanding bilingual capabilities in Chinese and English



Location: 北京,上海,深圳,香港


1. 协助项目团队进行项目前期行业研究;

2. 根据项目需求参与客户访谈,整理访谈记录,汇总访谈观点;

3. 根据项目需求负责数据的整理、归类以及分析;

4. 负责搜集项目需求的相关信息,并在顾问的指导下整理撰写初步的报告。


1. 研究生在读,2019年及以后毕业,学习成绩优异,并较好的优秀的英语读写能力;

2. 具备良好的框架及严谨的逻辑思维能力;

3. 具备数据分析能力,熟练运用Office工具;

4. 具有学术研究/行业调研与分析的能力,能够搜集与整理资料、分析并撰写报告; 5. 优秀的语言表达、良好的沟通能力,对人力资源咨询感兴趣。


Location: 北京,上海,广州


1. 协助顾问为客户提供养老金计划的设计、会计披露、计划实施和管理等;

2. 参与养老金精算评估项目,包括数据分析和数据处理;

3. 协助顾问进行工作文件及审核流程的整理与归档;

4. 负责搜集项目需求的相关信息,并整理成研究报告


1. 精算,统计,数学,数理经济,金融,计算机等理工科专业,2018年6月及以后毕业的研究生或优秀本科生,有志于从事养老金精算领域;

2. 工作细致踏实,具备多任务处理能力;

3. 善于沟通,具备团队合作精神;

4. 逻辑清晰,善于思考发现问题;

5. 具备良好的数据分析能力,对数字敏感,能熟练运用Office EXCEL/WORD/PPT;

6. 能长期实习的同学优先。

(3) 企业风险保险经纪实习生

Location: 北京,上海




1. 负责协助保险精算团队共同进行项目执行和其他支持性工作;

2. 支持业务规划、产品定价、精算评估、产品开发、兼并与收购、尽职调查、年度财务报告(包括评估价值/内含价值,中国会计准则、国际财务报告准则和美国会计准则)以及风险管理等项目;

3. 参与并协助保险业战略及管理咨询项目,完成市场研究、信息收集、数据分析、报告撰写等工作;

4. 能够在完成项目的同时达到或超出期望。


1. 2019年级以后毕业,保险、经济、金融、法律等相关专业本科及研究生在校生; 2. 具有解决问题能力,包括识别及解决具有挑战问题的能力;

3. 注重结果导向,持续为达成最佳工作品质及时间要求而努力;

4. 团队合作,以团队利益为重独立开展工作;

5. 具备良好的分析、沟通及演讲能力;

6. 熟练使用MS Office Word, Excel, PPT;

7. 熟练的英文读写听说能力。


Location: 上海


1. 协助Team进行相关文件整理;

2. 协助整理并汇总项目数据,维护相关系统;

3. Team活动支持;

4. 领导交办的其他工作。


1. 19年及以后毕业本科在读,专业不限,具有较好的英文沟通及书写能力;

2. 擅于沟通、表达,亲和力佳,勤奋、有责任心;

3. 熟练使用电脑,掌握windows/office等软件;

4. 良好的团队合作能力。

(5) 人力资源实习生

Location: 北京


1. 协助招聘经理开展校园招聘工作,发布职位信息,负责简历的筛选与整理;

2. 负责候选人笔试、面试安排、面试情况记录工作;

3. 协助团队进行招聘数据的统计、分析,撰写分析报告;

4. 负责招聘流程的优化,拓展并维护国内外招聘渠道;

5. 招聘社交媒体运营;

6. 协助开展雇主品牌建设活动;

7. 上级交办的其他工作。


1. 大三、大四本科生或研究生,专业不限,每周工作时间要保证至少3个整天,能持续工作3-6个月;

2. 熟练使用Word、Excel、PowerPoint等办公软件;

3. 耐心细致、执行力强、责任心强、工作态度积极、具有良好的团队合作意识;

4. 善于时间管理,沟通能力强,能独立思考,办事有条理;

5. 较强的中英文听说读写能力,可以英语为工作语言。





